KunstlerCast - Conversations: Converging Catastrophes of the 21st Century
James Howard Kunstler, author of The Geography of Nowhere, The Long Emergency, and World Made By Hand, takes on the converging catastrophes of the 21st century. Features a new guest each episode. (Note: Episodes 1 - 214 featured conversations between Duncan Crary and JHK during the years 2008 through 2012 and focused on the topics of suburban sprawl, disposable architecture and the end of the cheap oil era.)
KunstlerCast 282

Dmitry Orlov is back to talk about his new book, “Shrinking the Technosphere,” which can be ordered at his website: cluborlov.com. Dmitry is the author previously of “Reinventing Collapse,” “Communities That Abide.” “The Five Stages of Collapse,” and several books of essays. The video trailer for his new book can be viewed by clicking THIS. Dmitry is a leading voice in the effort to think clearly about the predicament of our time.


Direct download: KunstlerCast_282.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:59pm EST

Independent researcher Steve St. Angelo started to invest in precious metals in 2002.  Later on in 2008, he began researching areas of the gold and silver market that, curiously, the majority of the precious metal analyst community have left unexplored. These areas include how energy and the falling EROI – Energy Returned On Invested – stand to impact the mining industry, precious metals, paper assets, and the overall economy. His website with frequent postings is: https://srsroccoreport.com.

Direct download: KunstlerCast_281.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:56pm EST