Thu, 24 November 2011
JHK and Duncan speak by phone with artist and self-described muckraker Ken Avidor, who recently illustrated the KunstlerCast book. |
Wed, 16 November 2011
JHK takes questions from the students in a college English class who have just completed reading "World Made By Hand," a post-peak oil novel. These highly intelligent questions range in topic from the role of religion, violence, and narrative strategy of Wold Made By Hand. Jim also reveals his true feelings about George Lucas and his thoughts about making revisions to novels. Note: This episode contains cursewords. |
Wed, 9 November 2011
James Howard Kunstler shares his thoughts on the Occupy movement sweeping America. It's going to be a dark and difficult time ahead for the U.S. and JHK thinks we may be heading into a period of mischief this spring. But he has a lot of faith in the younger generation because they're not cynical and they truly want to live in a country they're capable of caring about. |
Wed, 2 November 2011
"The Long Emergency vs. NYC's Resurgency: A Debate about the Future of Cities" featuring Transportation Alternatives Executive Director Paul Steely White and author James Howard Kunstler. Jeff Olson of Alta Planning & Design moderates before an audience at Skidmore College. Oranized by Kim Marsella of the Skidmore Environmental Studies Department. |