Fri, 30 December 2011
JHK shares his take on the GOP candidates for the 2012 US election. |
Wed, 21 December 2011
John Michael Greer, author of The Long Descent, The Wealth of Nature and, most recently, Apocalypse Not, joins JHK and Duncan by phone to speak about 2012 apocalypse scenarios, Green Wizardry, politics and techno narcissism. |
Wed, 14 December 2011
In this episode, Duncan appears solo on a radio program called Relocalizing Vermont to talk about The KunstlerCast book and podcast and the influence that James Howard Kunstler has had on him. In this half-hour interview by Carl Etnier asks Duncan about the KunstlerCast came to be, why JHK alwasy seems to rip on Amory Lovins, the Y2K thing, and other topics. A caller from Britain asks about the prospects of re-villaging suburbia. |
Wed, 7 December 2011
James Howard Kunstler takes three listener calls all regarding different angles of professional sports and warrior culture. |
Wed, 30 November 2011
Jim's finally found himself a new home, and it's right on the edge of the place that inspired the fictional town of Union Grove in his World Made By Hand novels. Duncan brings listeners along for the scenic drive from Troy up to Washington County, before the two tour his new village and meet some of the locals. |
Thu, 24 November 2011
JHK and Duncan speak by phone with artist and self-described muckraker Ken Avidor, who recently illustrated the KunstlerCast book. |
Wed, 16 November 2011
JHK takes questions from the students in a college English class who have just completed reading "World Made By Hand," a post-peak oil novel. These highly intelligent questions range in topic from the role of religion, violence, and narrative strategy of Wold Made By Hand. Jim also reveals his true feelings about George Lucas and his thoughts about making revisions to novels. Note: This episode contains cursewords. |
Wed, 9 November 2011
James Howard Kunstler shares his thoughts on the Occupy movement sweeping America. It's going to be a dark and difficult time ahead for the U.S. and JHK thinks we may be heading into a period of mischief this spring. But he has a lot of faith in the younger generation because they're not cynical and they truly want to live in a country they're capable of caring about. |
Wed, 2 November 2011
"The Long Emergency vs. NYC's Resurgency: A Debate about the Future of Cities" featuring Transportation Alternatives Executive Director Paul Steely White and author James Howard Kunstler. Jeff Olson of Alta Planning & Design moderates before an audience at Skidmore College. Oranized by Kim Marsella of the Skidmore Environmental Studies Department. |
Wed, 26 October 2011
James Howard Kunstler and Duncan Crary join Congress for the New Urbanism CEO & President John Norquist for a "fireside chat" about new urbanism, the future of cities and other topics. This is a 25 minute excerpt from a one hour conversation that was original broadcast live over the Internet as part of the CNU membership drive. An archive recording of the full conversation is availble for listening for CNU City Builder members. For information, visit: |
Thu, 20 October 2011
Jim and Duncan talk about Historic Preservation on their return drive from the annual conference of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, held in Buffalo this week. This show includes an excerpt from the keynote address Jim gave to kick off the conference. During the talk JHK explained to preservationists that not all buildings are worth saving -- particularly the modernist architectural abortions of the 60s, 70s and 80s. |
Thu, 13 October 2011
JHK and Duncan get caught up on listener calls. Question topics include: Phoenix vs. Georgia; repealing the gas tax, The Long Descent, Landscape Urbanism and why aren't there any African-American characters in Jim's World Made By Hand novels? One listener also shares a bizarre and raunchy conspiracy theory. |
Wed, 5 October 2011
There's a crazy Christian cult on the rise in the US and JHK believes Americans needs to watch out. The New Apostolic Reformation is a dangerous movement exerting its influence on the American political sphere during a time when this country is so fraught with problems that we are leaving ourselves vulnerable to being pushed around by crazy people like this, Kunstler says. The group -- which has connections to presidential candidates Rick Perry and Michele Bachman -- not only believes in literal devils but that certain American politicians are afflicted by these demons. More concerning is their belief in dominionism over all aspects of American culture, politics and business. The "apostles" claim to speak directly to God and feel they have a mission to convert all Jews to Christianity. Kunstler sees this group, and others like it, becoming more troublesome as The Long Emergency unfolds. He can imagine that the country may find itself in a new Civil War in the years ahead. During the conversation JHK also describes his experiences reporting on religious cults, his own thoughts on religion as an agnostic, and explains how the story of the New Apostolic Reformation may resemble some of the aspects in his fictional World Made By Hand novels. |
Thu, 29 September 2011
After a recent visit to Montana, JHK asks: What is living in a town in Montana all about? He observes that it’s mostly about the scenery outside of town, not the town itself. The streets are too wide, the buildings too low and the public face of the urban fabric is too thoughtless and badly proportioned. Yet many so-called progressives in these places are arguing for more “open space” in their towns. Sustainability is the new buzzword there and elsewhere in America. But what many overlook is that the future of tourism looks pretty grim as more and more people have less money to spend on activities like skiing. There are many sophisticated people running high-tech businesses in places like Butte and Helena, but it remains unclear what the fate of telecommuting and Internet commerce will be, especially now that our national post office is in dire straits. |
Wed, 21 September 2011
Twelve years ago James Howard Kunstler visited Mexico City to write a chapter for his book "The City in Mind." He recently returned there to speak at a conference. In this podcast Jim shares his thoughts on the history, present state and future prospects for this major world city. Note: This episode includes cursewords. |
Thu, 8 September 2011
JHK and Duncan are joined by Jeff Goodell, environmental writer for Rolling Stone magazine and author of "How to Cool the Planet" and "Big Coal." Jeff speaks about global warming and some of the efforts to cool the planet through man-made projects. |
Wed, 31 August 2011
In the conclusion of this one-hour conversation, Richard Heinberg, author of "Peak Everything", "The Party's Over" and the newly published "The End of Growth" joins James Howard Kunstler by phone to talk about peak oil, financial dysfunction, the failures of industrial aggriculture and the coming problems of sububurbia. Heinberg also shares his thoughts on being labeled a "Doomer." Sponsor: |
Thu, 25 August 2011
In part one of this one-hour conversation, Richard Heinberg, author of Peak Everything, The Party's Over and the newly published The End of Growth joins James Howard Kunstler by phone to talk about peak oil, financial dysfunction, political convulsions and generational conflict. Sponsor: |
Thu, 18 August 2011
A listener asks Jim if American’s cherished character trait of spontaneity is bound to car dependency. JHK shares his thoughts on the American National Character and how it may change during The Long Emergency. |
Thu, 11 August 2011
JHK updates us on the recent credit downgrading of America as it relates to the unfolding Long Emergency. At the end of the show we play a song based on The Long Emergency by a podcast listener. |
Thu, 4 August 2011
Originally broadcast April, 2008: When James Howard Kunstler isn't railing against suburban sprawl, he's painting it. Vincent van Gogh painted the peasant sleeping by the haystack because he was living in a landscape populated by people. Our landscape is populated by cars. So, as a sur la motif painter of our time, Jim's subjects include cars on the road, gas stations and the industrial ruins of America's manufacturing past. Making this landscape legible on the canvas is a challenge, but it's also dangerous! An angry manager once told Jim that painting the Burger King is not allowed. |
Thu, 4 August 2011
Enhanced version of April 2008 broadcast. When James Howard Kunstler isn't railing against suburban sprawl, he's painting it. Vincent van Gogh painted the peasant sleeping by the haystack because he was living in a landscape populated by people. Our landscape is populated by cars. So, as a sur la motif painter of our time, Jim's subjects include cars on the road, gas stations and the industrial ruins of America's manufacturing past. Making this landscape legible on the canvas is a challenge, but it's also dangerous! An angry manager once told Jim that painting the Burger King is not allowed. |
Thu, 28 July 2011
This week James Howard Kunstler gets a much needed break from podcasting, while Duncan speaks to a representative of B-Cycle, a bicycle sharing company with programs through the U.S. Afterwards, Duncan tours Madison, Wisconsin on bike with a local guide and Matt Dellinger, author of Interstate 69 and blogger for WNYC’s Transportation Nation. |
Thu, 21 July 2011
JHK continues his critique of Charles Waldheim's presentation on Landscape Urbanism, delivered at the Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU 19). This episode also includes remarks by New Urbanist leader Andres Duany and a listener quesion from a conferencegoer. |
Thu, 14 July 2011
In recent years there has been a growing debate between New Urbanism and Landscape Urbanism, a theory that argues the landscape, rather than architecture, is more capable of organizing the city and enhancing the urban experience. In this episode, JHK reacts to recent remarks by Harvard Prof. Charles Waldheim at the Congress for the New Urbanism on Landscape Urbanism. In particular, Kunstler will respond to Waldheim’s claims that New Urbanism places too much emphasis on neoclassicism while not paying enough attention to environmental concerns of the 21st century. |
Thu, 7 July 2011
JHK continues his critique of Ed Glaeser's talk from recent Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU 19) and the ideas presented in his best-selling book Triumph of the City. Sponsor: Orion Magazine. |
Thu, 30 June 2011
JHK Critiques Ed Glaeser's talk from recent Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU 19) and the ideas presented in his best-selling book Triumph of the City. Sponsor: Orion Magazine. |
Wed, 22 June 2011
In a special cross promotion, Andrew Blechman of the Orion Magazine podcast interviews JHK about cities of the future. For the full interview, visit: |
Thu, 16 June 2011
JHK gives an update on the bursting housing bubble and the fate of car dependency in America. This episode includes a short interview with Sharon Feigon, CEO of I-Go Car Sharing, and Sonya Newenhouse, president of Community Car, two professionals in the car sharing industry. Sponsor: Bjorn Bergman who reminds listeners to eat local this summer! 651-276-8875 |
Thu, 9 June 2011
In the first of many installments to come, Duncan updates James Howard Kunstler on the recent Congress For the New Urbanism, held June 1-6, 2011 in Madison, Wisc. The Congress for the New Urbanism is a professional association of planners, architects, developers, political leaders and activists who are committed to revitalizing cities and curb the continuation of sprawl. During this show, we hear from: Andres Duany, New Urbanist architec; Ed Glaeser, Harvard economist & author; U.S. Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-OR; Paul Soglin, mayor of Madison, Wisc.; Paul Minett, Ridesharing Institute; Will Allen, Wisconsin farmer and founder of Growing Power; Charles Waldheim, Harvard professor and leader of the Landscape Urbanism movement; and Stefanos Polyzoides, New Urbanist architect. JHK reacts to some short sound bites regarding Landscape Urbanism, skyscraper cities and the development of New Urbanism. |
Thu, 26 May 2011
On today's episode JHK discusses a recent poll by the National Realtors Association which found that while many Americans claim they want to be able to walk to stores, restaurants and other urban amenities, they prefer to live in single family detached homes above all else. This seems to be a contradiction, but the arrangement could be possible through New Urbanist planning. Sponsor: |
Thu, 19 May 2011
JHK and Duncan look at two new McDonald's projects in their home towns and touch upon some universal issues with regards to these types of developments appearing throughout North America. Using the comments on a local newspaper blog, they gague how members of the community are reacting and forming a public consensus. While some people in Troy are advocating for a heightened design, others are "violently complacent" about the standard issue Mickey D's as delivered to automobile strips around the world. Meanwhile, in Saratoga Springs, a developer did create a different take on the Golden Arches. But was the end product better? |
Thu, 12 May 2011
James Howard Kunstler shares his thoughts about the caputure and destruction of Osama bin Laden and the future of U.S. relations in the Middle East. Sponsor: |
Wed, 4 May 2011
JHK & Duncan explore North Central Troy NY with Billie-Jean Greene of the Uptown Initiative. Sponsor: |
Wed, 4 May 2011
JHK & Duncan explore North Central Troy NY with Billie-Jean Greene of the Uptown Initiative. Sponsor: |
Thu, 28 April 2011
JHK and Duncan visit The Sanctuary for Independent Media , an old church in North Central Troy NY which has been repurposed as community media space. After a public lecture, JHK takes questions from the audience on a variety of urban planning and energy topics. Sponsor: |
Thu, 21 April 2011
The 2010 U.S. Census figures have led to a newly empowered suburban electorate. But the figures also indicate that several major U.S. cities are increasing in population at their cores. JHK offers some analysis. Sponsor: The Congress for the New Urbanism CNU 19, |
Thu, 14 April 2011
JHK has said many times that he's allergic to conspiracy theories. Yet his own ideas about peak oil sort of sound like a conspiracy theory since he believes that the U.S. government has a dependency-enabling relationship with the American public regarding our energy consumption habits and reality. JHK concedes that there may be a "soft conspiracy" at play. |
Wed, 6 April 2011
James Howard Kunstler believes Americans and their leaders are lying to themselves about our current energy predicament. There is a tremendous body of fantasy about how much energy Americans can harvest from shale gas, shale oil, tar sands, running the American truck fleet on natural gas and other forms of alternative fuel for motoring. There is even one fantasy that an endless supply of abiotic oil is located in the earth’s core. Kunstler runs down the list and gives us the score. |
Thu, 31 March 2011
James Howard Kunstler reacts to a recent article from titled "Michigan CEO: Soul-Crushing Sprawl Killing Business." Kunstler believes that the diminishing returns of suburbia are becoming self-evident to people of all walks of life, and this piece of writing is yet another example. He also corrects some of his previous comments about Detroit and the Eminem Chrysler ad. At the end of the program, Duncan plays some music by Michigan-based band Frontier Ruckus from their album "Deadmalls&Nightfalls." |
Thu, 24 March 2011
JHK and Duncan apply an urbanist lens to a recent string of drunken St. Paddy's Parade Day riots in three U.S. cities: Newport, RI, Hoboken, NJ, and Albany, NY. Topics covered in this discussion include: monocultures, transient populations, the ghettoization of the generations, self-regulating social scenes, swarm behavior and social networking technology, Glenn Beck, open container laws in cities and The Broken Windows Theory. |
Thu, 17 March 2011
After the recent earthquake and tsunami, James Howard Kunstler believes that Japan may be propelled into a much different society very quickly -- one that somewhat resemble his World Made By Hand vision. But JHK thinks that using less fossil fuel and dexomplexifying their society might be a good thing for Japan as it may give them a headstart down the road that other complex societies like the U.S. are heading anyway. Sponsor: |
Thu, 10 March 2011
In this mini episode, Leisureville author Andrew Blechman talks with Jim and Duncan about pigeons, the fascinating subject of his other book Pigeons. |
Thu, 3 March 2011
Author Andrew Blechman discusses his book Leisureville, a tragicomic report on The Villages, America's largest planned retirement community. In this version of suburbia, everyone drives golf carts, no one works and children aren't allowed. Sponsor: |
Thu, 24 February 2011
JHK and Duncan get caught up on questions from listener callers. Topics include post-petroleum education, the homogenization of America, Vancouver and light pollution. Sponsor: |
Thu, 17 February 2011
JHK discusses "slugging" and couch surfing and other casual self-organizing transportation and lodging systems that are emerging under new terms of existence in a less affluent USA. |
Thu, 10 February 2011
JHK reacts to the Chrysler Superbowl commercial featuring rapper Eminem, titled "Imported From Detroit." This leads to a discussion of American insecurities and our unending need for pep rallies. |
Thu, 27 January 2011
James Howard Kunstler speaks about his annual forecast for 2011. Although there are a lot of people out there cheerleading for a "recovery," JHK believes it's time for a reset. He foresees food shortages, financial strain and political troubles ahead. |
Thu, 20 January 2011
James Howard Kunstler is joined in the studio by author Matt Dellinger to discuss his new book, INTERSTATE 69. Also known as "The NAFTA Highway," I-69 is a proposed 1,400-mile mega-highway linking Canada to Mexico via the American heartland. This special one-hour conversation covers the economic development schemes, history, culture, conspiracy theories and colorful characters behind the story of what might be the last great American highway. Matt Dellinger has written for The New Yorker, the Atlantic, the Oxford American, the Wall Street Journal magazine, and the The New York Times. He lives in Brooklyn, New York, and blogs for public radio's His website is |
Thu, 13 January 2011
JHK reacts to the tragic shooting in Arizona. He reflects on gun ownership debate in the U.S. and his own conflicting thoughts about owning a gun himself. He discusses the power of violent rhetoric in our public discourse and evalutes his own use of strong language. He also muses on the built environment in Tuscon Arizona and what role it might have played in the tragedy. |
Thu, 6 January 2011
James Howard Kunstler talks about his literary influences, including H.L. Mencken, Tom Wolfe and Samuel Beckett. He also explains the role of the social critic and how he separates his critic persona from his own personality. Lastly he muses on what he might like his legacy to be. This conversation, all about writing, is background information for a forthcoming KunstlerCast book. |