Mon, 17 June 2024
Dr. Sid Rohrscheib is a general surgeon in central Illinois. His career spans the period from the 1990s and he has witnessed thje changes wrought by the financialization of medicine. We have corresponded for a while about the problems in health care and he kindly consented to come on the podcast. The KunstlerCast theme music is the beautiful Two Rivers Waltz written and performed by Larry Unger |
Tue, 4 June 2024
Steve Murray is Chief Information Security Officer of a large medical company. He was a Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army commanding a Cyber Defense Battalion, providing offensive and defensive cyber operations for the United States Pacific Command and US Army Pacific Forces, the National Security Agency, and other military offices. He was deployed to Iraq in Operation Enduring Freedom, where he was awarded the Bronze Star. Currently LTC Murray publishes a Situation Report three times a week to address the information war being waged across the planet. You can find him on: Rumble: Telegram: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: LTC Steven Murray Amazon Music: LTC Steven Murray |